Our passion at carte-du-vin is wine and food pairing
Check out our tried and tested recipes, each with a wine recommendation!
Quick tips
Assemble all the ingredients before starting to cook
Always pre-heat your oven in advance
Keep tasting and adjust seasonings as you go along.

Asparagus Tart with Brie & Black Olive Dressing : V
I make this tart in May when you can get fresh British aparagus it makes an impressive starter but also can be served with salad for a Summer lunch
2 Hours
6 Servings as a starter

Butternut & Peppadew Ravioli with Sage Butter Sauce
This tasty ravioli makes a great starter and although a bit fiddly everything can be made in advance so easy for a dinner party.

Butternut Stilton and Walnut Pastry Rolls
A great vegetarian alternative to traditional sausage rolls
1 hour 30 minutes

Crispy Potato, Tomato and Halloumi Bake
Makes a great starter made in individual dishes or make in a large ovenproof dish for a mid-week supper
1hr 10 mins

Date & Walnut Goat’s Cheese Crostini
Great for a starter but also serves with canapes by making small crostini’s cut out of sliced bread
40 mins
8 servings

Feta, Beetroot & Parsley Salad
Great salad and makes a change from a green salad. Beetroot adds such great colour to any dish and very healthy too!
1hr 20 minutes
2-4 depending on main course or starter

Goat’s Cheese Crostini Salad with Roast Grapes and Walnuts -V
This recipe makes a lovely starter add to a Summer salad or add as a topping to crostinis, great for parties.
30 mins

Goat’s Cheese Potatoes in their Jackets - V
These potatoes are great for a lunch time snack but also bake smaller potatoes and use as a canapé
1hr 30 mins
1 serving

Mushrooms in Sherry
Again this is an old favourite perfect topping for crostini or just on toast for a snack supper
25 mins
4 - 6 servings

Pea Puree, Rocket & Broad Bean Crostini
These crostini’s are lovely to hand round at any party especially lovely for a summer lunch
30 minutes
makes about 20 crostini

Red Lentil & Sweet Potato Pâté - V
Great served on its own as a starter or on mini pitta breads for a canape
40 mins plus chilling time
Serves – 4

Stilton & Chutney Rarebit Bites
This is a lovely snack supper or serve with canapes
20 mins
6 servings

Butternut & Peppadew Soup - V
This soup is amazingly easy to make and is a real crowd pleaser.
Thank you Lyn at Cathbert Country Guest House in South Africa
1 hour
6 Servings

Carrot & Coriander Soup - V
We have a glut of carrots from the allotment so I making soups now in the Autumn to freeze and enjoy in the cold Winter months!
60 minutes

Carrot & Horseradish Soup - V
Perfect soup to warm you on a Winter day.
50 Minutes
4 - 6 Servings

Courgette & Camembert Soup - V
When you have a glut of courgettes in the Summer this is a great way to use them
40 mins
6 - 8 servings

Cream of Mushroom Soup - V
I have made this soup since the 60’s it is a great recipe and very easy to make.
45 mins
4 - 6 servings